About Us

Better Skydd Than Sorry.

Who we are?

We are a Bangalore-based electronic security solutions integrators catering to customers all over south India. We derive our name from the Swedish word “SKYDD” that can be roughly translated as protection, safeguard, shield or words with similar meanings. Basically, if you think “Safety”, you think Skydd. Skydd was registered as a firm in 2010 and currently has over 1500 installations across locations..

What do we do?

We are dedicated to electronically safeguarding Individual homes, villas and residential layouts as well as offices, apartments, factories and warehouses with qualified technicians and a helpful sales force. We promote only trusted brands. .

Our vision:

“BE THERE” to safeguard you at every step.

Our mission:

Thrive hard to provide external customers the best products and services at all times, and see smiles on our internal customers making SKYDD a more work-friendly and growing place.

Creative Business


Are you safe at home or work? Did that question receive an assured positive nod from you or did it make you pause for a moment and ponder? Wait. Don’t get spooked! All we are saying is that you cannot leave things to chance when it comes to your life or property. And that’s why, we at Skydd are committed to ensuring that you get better than best of electronic security available in the market.

So, if you are still thinking about your safety, think no more. Leave your worries to Skydd. YOU HAVE A SAFE DAY AHEAD!